Global Peace Index 2023: A World at the Crossroads

The Institute for Economics and Peace has unveiled the 17th edition of the Global Peace Index (GPI) for 2023, a comprehensive ranking that highlights the most peaceful nations across the globe. As we delve into this year's report, it becomes evident that the world's average level of peacefulness has been on a concerning decline for nine consecutive years, with more countries deteriorating than improving. This is largely attributed to the lingering impact of post-COVID civil unrest, political instability, and the escalation of regional and global conflicts.

In this article, we will explore key takeaways from the report, including Iceland's continued dominance as the world's most peaceful nation and India's rank on the peace index.

Iceland: A Model of Peace

For the 17th year running, Iceland maintains its status as the world's most peaceful country, a position it has held since the GPI's inception in 2008. The nation excels in several domains, including minimal domestic and international conflicts, societal safety and security, and low militarization. Iceland is not only the most peaceful country but also the third happiest globally, following closely behind Finland and Denmark.

European Peace Dominance:

Europe continues to shine as a hub of peace, with seven of the top 10 most peaceful nations situated in the continent. Denmark, Ireland, and Switzerland are among those contributing to Europe's peaceful reputation, alongside other noteworthy countries such as New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, and Slovenia.

Global Peace Index Score:

The Global Peace Index relies on a composite index that assesses the peacefulness of nations. It encompasses 23 indicators, both quantitative and qualitative, each weighted on a scale from 1 to 5. The lower a nation's score, the higher its level of peace.

Here is the top 10 list for 2023, with their respective scores:

1. Iceland - 1.124

2. Denmark - 1.31

3. Ireland - 1.312

4. New Zealand - 1.313

5. Austria - 1.316

6. Singapore - 1.332

7. Portugal - 1.333

8. Slovenia - 1.334

9. Japan - 1.336

10. Switzerland - 1.339

India's Peace Ranking:

India's place on the Global Peace Index is 126 out of 163 countries, with an overall score of 2.31, falling below the global average of 2.314. While India faces ongoing challenges to achieve higher levels of peace, it presents an opportunity for improvement.

Key Findings from the Global Peace Index:

a) Global Peace Deterioration: The report notes that, for the ninth consecutive year, global peacefulness has declined. While 84 countries showed improvements, 79 witnessed a decline. The post-COVID era has seen an increase in civil unrest, political instability, and regional conflicts.

b) Increase in Conflict Deaths: The number of deaths resulting from global conflicts rose by 96% to reach 238,000. Surprisingly, conflict-related fatalities in Ethiopia surpassed those in Ukraine, surpassing peak levels observed during the Syrian war. Several countries, including Myanmar, Israel, and South Africa, reported increased conflict levels.

c) Economic Impact of Violence: The global economic impact of violence surged by 17%, equivalent to $1 trillion, amounting to $17.5 trillion in 2022, roughly 13% of the global GDP. Notably, a hypothetical Chinese blockade of Taiwan would lead to a staggering $2.7 trillion drop in global economic output, nearly double the impact of the 2008 financial crisis.

d) Changing Military Dynamics: Despite the conflict in Ukraine, military expenditure increased in 92 countries, while 110 countries reduced their military personnel. Conflicts are increasingly internationalized, with 91 countries currently involved in some form of external conflict, up from 58 in 2008.

Impact of the War in Ukraine on Peacefulness:

Ukraine's Deterioration: Ukraine experienced the largest decline in peace, falling 14 places to 157th position. The economic impact of violence in Ukraine increased by 479%, or $449 billion, accounting for 64% of the country's GDP.

Positive Trends in Russia: Surprisingly, Russia showcased improvements in areas such as incarceration rates, violent demonstrations, terrorism impact, and homicide rates, with the latter reaching its lowest point since 2008.

Human Cost: The conflict in Ukraine has taken a significant toll on human lives, with 65% of men aged 20 to 24 either fleeing the country or losing their lives in the conflict.


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