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  JioSphere gives a personalized safe & secure browsing experience. In JioSphere you can choose from multiple search engines for a seamless browsing experience. JioSphere Indian web browser comes with a download manager, and voice search to ensure a seamless browsing experience on your mobile. Navigate between different tabs with ease with our tab manager. The Video Will Help You To Know About Jio Coin 🪙  ________________  o Features in JioSphere App: Multiple search engines – 3 search engine options are always good! o Voice search – To help you multitask o QR code scanner – Scan any codes o Personalized home screen o Customize your JioSphere home page to fit your needs. Choose from various search engines or create Quick Pages for immediate access to your favourite sites. Great Browser As a jiosphere Browser user,  can confidently say that this browser has truly changed my browsing experience for the better. One of the standout features that love is its lightnin...

Setup all Android Apps in single page

Make your Home screen as unique as your DNA.

A flexible multi-style home screen replacement that helps personalize your device with a variety of configurations.

▌ Key Features

🧬 DNA your Launcher

Classic style ‧ layout with horizontal scrolling pages.

Minimalism ‧ One-handed friendly, alphabetical index based on native language.

Holographic mode ‧ A touchable holographic 3D spin that fits the watch.

✨ Personalization

Easy to customize layout, icon packs & shape & size, fonts and wallpaper. Your launcher should be as unique as your DNA.

🔍 Smart Search

Suggestions, voice assistant, recent results.

Supports searching app or contacts and define your internet search engines (Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Baidu, etc.)

🔒 Protect your privacy

Hide or lock apps for free! 

Lock folders to keep your secrets safe.

📂 App Navigation

DNA Launcher provides an App Drawer and App Library to help you access all your apps instantly.

As a traditional alphabetic-indexing user interface, the App Drawer presents apps in various forms (only icon or label, both vertically/horizontally) depending on your preference.

Not in the mood to use the App Drawer? Use the App Library instead, which organizes apps by category and sorts apps automatically by frequency of use.

👋🏻 Custom Gestures

Not in the mood to use either the App Drawer or App Library? No problem, DNA Launcher has you covered.

There are many custom gesture actions like double-tap, swipe down/up/left/right, and corresponding events or applet layout (including opening App Drawer/App Library, etc.) for you to choose in the launcher settings.

🎨 Effects and Animations

Real-time blurring Dock (No worry of performance impacts and memory consumption, achieved in the most efficient way possible).

Sleek folder opening animation.

App start/close animation.

Day/Night Mode.

▌ Helpful Tips

• Edit home screen: long press and drag an icon, before dropping it, you can use another finger to tap other icons or widgets to edit them together.

• Hiding pages: Got Tinder on your home page? Just hide the page by long-pressing the scroll bar if you're not single, but honesty is the best policy.

• Switch launcher style: Select your favorite style to apply in launcher settings.

• Lock screen: Double-tap (or other gestures you prefer) to lock your phone instantly, always free.

• Protect privacy: Lock secret apps, folders, or even a folder within a folder.

▌ Permissions Notice

Why does DNA Launcher offer an accessibility service? The accessibility service is only used to support access to the lock screen via customized gestures. The service is optional, disabled by default, and no personal or sensitive data is collected via Accessibility Service.

Make peace, no war! 




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